grand blanc transparantThe Grand Blanc .NET Users Group is for developers working in and around the Microsoft .NET framework. If you are interested in learning more about .NET and related technologies from talented like-minded developers, this group is for you. Best of all, it’s free to join. The regular monthly meetings feature speakers from around Michigan who provide their insights on .NET and other relevant software developer topics.


The meetings are typically on the 2nd Thursday of each month at 5:30 PM. The food and drinks (including beer) are provided by Brightwing & Spud Software.


When: Thursday, September 10, 2015 – 5:30pm
Where: Spud Software / 9478 S Saginaw Rd, Grand Blanc, MI – Map
Price: FREE


TOPIC: Device Integration with Azure + IoT Hardware Overview (Ryan Berry – Microsoft)

For our September meetup, Ryan Berry, Cloud Delivery Specialist at Microsoft will discuss 2 new and exciting technologies:

• Microsoft Azure

• Internet of Things (hardware overview)


Ryan Berry is an experienced software engineering professional having architected and built large scale fault-tolerant systems across a number of vertical industries including manufacturing, retail and e-commerce. Skilled with development tools and technologies across the Microsoft stack such as .NET, WCF, ASP.NET, Azure and SilverLight, Ryan is detail-oriented developer and problem solver with a background in Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) process improvement.


As always, Brightwing and Spud Software will be providing the food, drinks, and other goodies! There will be time to network, eat, and advance your knowledge & skills. Looking forward to seeing you there!


register for free


Are you interested in speaking on a topic at the next Grand Blanc .NET User Group? Contact the group through their meetup page. The group also loves to give away swag at the meetings. Software licenses, geek devices, tech books, t-shirts and more are always greatly appreciated by attendees!


Looking for a .NET job? Check out all Brightwing’s jobs.