Whats Your Company Culture


Company culture is everything. It turns an ordinary business into something extraordinary! but what exactly makes up a company culture? To keep it simple, we’ve narrowed it down to two main ideas: People and Vision.



We believe that people make all the difference! This is why our entire business is based on going beyond a resume and matching the right talent to the right companies. We’ve seen it time and time again — those who excel in a company, tend to be those who match the company culture. These people love their job, and that excitement is what makes them go above and beyond on their everyday tasks. It’s a crucial step for us to find a job that our candidate will love, and an employee that will contribute to the success of a company.



Having a purpose is infectious. It motivates people to do their job because there’s a bigger reason behind it other than “becoming the leaders in x industry…”. Take Google for example, people all around the world apply to work there everyday! Going beyond their fun office and benefits, people know their work is impacting the world through the advancement of technology and offering new opportunities. Having a meaningful vision, is what pushes all of us to give the best part of ourselves everyday.


A few of our favorite company cultures:



Speaking of revolutionary products, 4moms has introduced a variety of products that have made parents’ lives a little bit easier. In their own words, they “accomplish great things, and have a great time doing it.” Their values, similar to ours, include innovation, passion and people, which resonates with everything that they do! From corporate events to their philanthropy “4moms cares”, their company culture stands out. Checkout just how awesome their team is from their 2015 yearbook.



Their company purpose reads “To be a place where amazing talent can invent, create, and inspire”. While many people may have the talent, Deeplocal looks for individuals who hold the same values as they do. By doing so, they’ve built a team who continues to strive with their clients such as Nike, Netflix and Google.