Engineering Career Advice from Top Recruiters


Whether you’re ready to take your engineering career to the next level, or you’re thinking about where you want to be in 5 years, you should always be prepared. At Brightwing, we work with dozens of fantastic organizations, and speak to hundreds of engineering professionals every week. We asked our recruiters to give their top engineering career advice – here’s what they had to say.


“If you’re looking to advance your engineering career, be prepared! Make sure your resume is up-to-date and proofread, and be ready to answer questions that recruiters may ask you – like ‘What type of job opportunity are you looking for?’ It seems straight-forward, but it could come down to a specific part of a vehicle you want to work on – be specific.”
Maren Morris


“Don’t be afraid to show your passion if it relates to your job, as well as your personal life. There is a lot of people that want to be in the industry, and you will need to stand out.”
Mike Gourley



“Let your friends and trusted networks know if you’re looking for a new engineering job. They could come across someone that has potential opportunities. It happens all the time.”
Julia Powell



Have a question for one of our recruiters? Looking for for a new engineering job? Contact us any time at