/* Template Name: Employee-Page-Template */ Steve Ermak - Brightwing

Steve Ermak


steve ermak


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steve ermak
Steve Ermak
Steve Ermak

“I find myself commenting to someone almost weekly how much I love my job and the company I work for. Most companies claim they have a great culture, but few are able to remain consistently great. It all starts with finding the best people, and that is why Brightwing is an awesome place. The most satisfying part of my job is solving problems for my clients. I work with the most successful and exciting companies in Metro Detroit, but they still need help finding the best talent. Understanding their talent goals and helping them achieve those goals is what I do, and I love it!”


Specialties: Embedded Systems, Hardware Design, Embedded Software, Electronics Engineering

Brightwing Birthdate: 10.06.2015  Phone: 586.855.9478