get It jobs

Are you looking for a job in IT? Make sure that you are presenting more than just your technical skills to potential employers. In a study released April of this year, it was found that 77% of employers  believe that “soft skills (less tangible skills associated with one’s personality, such as a positive attitude) are just as important as hard skills. Sixteen percent of employers said soft skills are more important than hard skills when evaluating candidates for a job .”

Brightwing, “IT in the D” and New Horizons Computer Learning Centers have a solution to the “soft skills” problem!  We are teaming up to help you improve the way that you present yourself to potential employers in our FREE half day workshop! Attendees will learn:

The Ten Commandments of Networking – Leaders of “IT in the D” hilariously break down effective networking in 10 easy steps

Getting the most out of your recruiter relationship – When you’re a techie, it’s incredibly likely that you will be contacted by a recruiter. We can teach you how to use the experience to your advantage, and make you aware of red flags.

Resume writing and interviewing skills – Recruiting in the Detroit area for over 40 years has given Brightwing some serious perspective. We have seen everything, from awkward to heartwarming, and want to help you make the best impression.

Set yourself up for success and join us on August 14th!