Category: Job Seekers

Brightwing Named a Top Rated IT & Engineering Staffing Firm

Brightwing has overcome the “recruiter stereotype.” The stereotype that characterizes recruiters as pushy, selfish, and deceitful (among other things). On July 18th, 2023 Brightwing was named a top rated IT and engineering staffing firm by Great Recruiters.  Great Recruiters is a candidate experience and management platform that solicits and measures feedback from tens of thousands...
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Do Counteroffers Really Work?

BY VICTOR STESIAK Senior IT Recruiter I’ve seen my fair share of counteroffers extended to candidates once they’ve told their employers of their intentions to leave.  Spoiler alert: they never work. At least not in the long run.  Don’t want to take my word for it? Here’s some stats:  45% of employers agree that counteroffers...
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5 Lessons in Employee Engagement from the 2023 Brightwing Annual Summit

Data from the Corporate Leadership Council suggests that employees who are engaged at work perform 20% better and are 87% less likely to leave their current company.  Despite early signs of power shifting back to employers, employees still are more likely to quit—or “quiet quit”—than pre-pandemic. Losing an employee is costly, as is replacing them. ...
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