BY JEFF GENOVICH President People talk about the artificial intelligence (AI) revolution as if it’s something in the future. But the reality is that AI is already here, and the possibilities it holds for recruiting and staffing are immense. But beyond the impact in the process and work of talent acquisition, AI will change something...
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BY JEFF GENOVICH President Generative AI is quickly becoming ubiquitous within the engineering sector. Employers have taken to a number of tactics in response, ranging from going “all-in” to ignoring it and hoping it goes away. But here’s the reality: generative AI is here to stay. Which means that, if you want to be competitive...
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Day in and day out, Brightwingers work on forging relationships to do what we do best: matching candidates with our clients. We take the time to understand what clients are looking for in job candidates and what job candidates are looking for in their next position. When the time is right, we match the two...
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BY JEFF GENOVICH President Right now, the U.S. job market is, in the words of some experts, “losing steam.” After two years of overheating, things seem to be calming down, or rebalancing, as it were. But if you’re looking to hire high-quality, specialized talent, you can’t rest on your laurels, sit back, and wait for...
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Checking in on the progress you’ve made toward accomplishing set goals is just as important as setting those goals in the first place. That’s exactly what Brightwing’s first annual Mini Summit set out to do. Our full-sized Annual Summit takes place in January; this event includes two days of annual meetings, SWOT analyses, goal setting,...
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Brightwing hosted its first annual Bring Your Kids to Work Day on August 17th. National Bring Your Kids to Work Day is traditionally celebrated on the fourth Thursday of April, but Brightwing decided to host its event on August 17th, during the summertime, to maximize participation. The lineup of activities for this event included something...
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Family-like atmosphere. Open-door communication. Employee growth. These are the main reasons that Brightwing has been named the overall 10th (out of 100) best place to work in Michigan. In the small company category, Brightwing was named the 5th best place to work. Of all the listed aspects that make Brightwing the best place to work,...
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Engineering Talent Expert Mike Gourley shares his thoughts on a common interview trap: I've talked to many people that say, okay, the interview was scheduled for 30 minutes. It was a virtual call, and the candidate felt like they had a lot of questions. They were very sensitive of the time. They didn't ask those...
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BY VICTOR STESIAK Senior IT Recruiter The phrase, “I’m happy where I am, but I want to keep my options open” is one that puts me immediately on edge. It’s one that tells me a candidate may not be entirely truthful about their motives when speaking with me about a new opportunity. To me, when...
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BY ADRIANA MICHAELS Senior Operations Recruiter There’s many, valid reasons for being willing to take a pay cut. I’ve heard them all: you’re a new parent who wants a less demanding schedule; you’re switching job industries; you value experience over salary, and more. Yet, even though your reasoning to take a pay cut is valid,...
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