Networking is one of the most beneficial career advancement techniques. Developing and implementing a professional networking strategy is a great way to promote your personal brand, build new business relationships, and discover new opportunities throughout your career. Although it may seem difficult at times, networking can be very simple and enjoyable. Best part? There is…
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“Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life” Many have heard this quote once or twice before; It’s refreshing, inspirational and it sounds easy enough. Yet, to do what you love seems to be a little more complicated than expected. Why is it that millions…
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Improve your resume writing skills with the advice from our recruiters. With over 45 years of combined experience, they have seen it all! Here are some of their key tips to building a strong resume: 1. Analyze job descriptions and industry keywords to attract recruiters who are looking for someone with your experience. Don’t overdo…
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Engineering is a growing field with ample opportunities. As one of the most in-demand jobs of 2016, it’s a great time to start your engineering career. Embark in your profession following the advice of professionals in the field, and learning more on various career paths, opportunities, and the employment outlook for the upcoming years. …
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Dress for success Part of your personal brand is the way you portray yourself in person and online. A strong personal brand can help take you as far as you want to go in your career, open new doors, and give you access to a larger professional network. If you fail to develop your personal brand,…
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YOUR ONLINE PERSONA Based on their online persona, many great workers have gained or lost an opportunity. Follow these tips to strengthen and define your online persona: Develop Your Brand Purpose – Clarify your professional goals first. Are you looking to stay in a similar position? Move up to management? Make a total…
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Get a job fast after graduation by following these easy steps. After all, you have the skills and tools to do it! As you start off your career, learn new ways to expand your job search by identifying areas in which you can improve in. By doing so, it will help you get the right…
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Being prepared for a job interview is essential. Along with expertise, the way you present yourself is key to determine where your career can take you. Although there is no exact formula on how to guarantee a job offer, every engineer (and other professionals for that matter) should follow these job interview tips to nail…
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We’re thrilled to announce that Grand Circus Detroit is offering a free introduction to coding workshop at Brightwing’s corporate office on Monday, October 26 – Register for free! Workshop Details This workshop is designed for folks who are curious about coding, but who have little to no experience. This workshop is the perfect time…
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- August 25, 2015
Accounting & Finance, Brightwing News, Career Growth, Engineering, Entry-Level, Human Resources, Information Technology, Job Search, Marketing, Networking, Operations
One of our favorite times of the year is upon us – it’s career fair season! This year, Brightwing plans to attend 6 IT and/or Engineering career fairs. Cutting-edge, exclusive opportunities you can expect to see at the fairs include Software Development, Project Management, Big Data Analysis, Electrical/Mechanical Engineering, and more! To see a complete list of our…
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