Every manager expects their employees to work hard and do their jobs, but with with just a little nudge, you can stand out. These employees are the first ones to be considered when jobs open and it is time for annual pay increases. Here are 5 great tips and how to get started.
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Don’t let poor eating habits stand in the way of health, productivity and morale. It just takes a little planning and willpower to make big changes. Here are some quick tips.
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Bad habits are hard to change, but make sure to carve out time regularly to reflect on your behavior — not just your work — at the office. Your reputation and employment may be at stake.
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We all know that organization is the key to success. Here are some concrete tips to help you get there, no rush, try out one per week over the next 4 weeks.
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The first step in advancing your career is building solid relationships at work, with colleagues and supervisors. Just as there are those in the office to build rapport with, there are also characters who should be avoided at all costs. Here are five people to avoid at work.
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On the surface, multitasking seems like a good idea. Why not do two, or even three things at the same time, instead of one? It may sound like a good idea in theory, but when it comes to real life, multitasking isn’t effective. In fact, it is probably killing your productivity without you knowing it.
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Research shows that ongoing pressure accompanied by increased demands contributes to stress at work. In order to keep your sanity, there are surefire ways to assist, even at the most stressful times.
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When you are looking for a new job, networking is a critical step to help you connect with other people in the industry. You’ve probably heard the saying that you only get a single opportunity to make a good first impression, and networking with an effective elevator speech can make-or-break your job hunting efforts.
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It is common to be employed while hunting for a new job, especially if you are looking to advance your career. Here are several strategies that you can use to avoid alerting your boss or other people in the department:
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The United States job forecast for 2015 is predicting its best outlook in nearly 10 years. Hiring managers and human resource professionals from coast to coast are expecting to hire more this year, and many companies will be increasing salaries. Permanent full-time and contract hires are both trending upward. A few of the many hot areas…
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