There are more than six billion people on the planet, each of us with talents and skills. Not one of us could be called a commodity. So why then, when organizations seek out new talent, would they use a process designed for procurement? MSPs (Managed Service Providers) aren’t new, and at face value, are well…
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You can think of your Employment Brand as your organization’s reputation as an employer. And the stronger your Employment Brand, the more, and higher quality, candidates you will attract. In order to market your employment brand, you have to discover what makes your company unique (or your Employee Value Proposition). Then you have to communicate…
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We have a major skills gap in this country; applicants are not qualified; schools aren’t preparing students for jobs; the government isn’t letting in enough high-skill immigrants; and even when the match is right, prospective employees won’t accept jobs at the wages offered. We’ve all heard it. But is it true? A new book by…
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So you worked really hard on your presentation. You are confident the information you compiled is factual, relevant, and will knock the socks off your boss – maybe change the whole direction of the organization and result in a huge promotion for you. And then you present. You see your boss’ eyes glaze over; he’s…
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“I’m serious when I do my work. I’m not serious when I’m home with my kids.” – Bill Gates Work and Life. We need to balance both in order to work well and care for our families, but with remote access to company files, smart phones and deadlines, shutting down and leaving work at 5:30…
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Recent statistics indicate that engagement in our US companies is very low, around 32%. This means that two thirds of our workforce is showing up to work every day under half steam. To an owner of an organization this is difficult news. Why are so many people disengaged? There is another statistic that says that…
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For as long as I can recall I never remember having a “Bad” or “Mean” or “Jerk” of a boss. Throughout my working tenure I always had good luck in working for decent people. The Assistant Attorney General for the State of New York, the billionaire commodity trader, the Bankruptcy Partner at the law firm,…
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“For individuals, character is destiny. For organizations, culture is destiny. “ — Tony Hsieh, Delivering Happiness If you want to get the very best out of your employees and increase productivity take a hard look at your company culture. A strong workplace culture not only leads to happier employees, but impressive employee retention rates, innovation,…
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Change…some people like it and some people hate it. I think if everyone were honest, even those who embrace change have to admit there are challenges that come with doing something new. How are some of the best ways to cope with change and make sure that you end up with a smile on your…
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These days’ workers are looking for more than traditional benefits, vacation time and a one hour lunch break. They want to be engaged, challenged and feel like the company that they give so much of themselves to will give more than a paycheck. Since employee training and team building events are less expensive than employee…
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