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Category: Hiring Best Practices

Contingent Workforce Management: Determining the Right Model for You

There is no question that the contingent workforce continues to grow. And, why wouldn’t it?  A contingent workforce offers organizations a litany of benefits.  If you want to help reduce liability, manage costs and simplify the tracking and accounting of your workforce you have traveled down the right path. So, as a conscientious corporate executive…

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Beyond Employee Engagement: 8 Steps to an Effective Culture

The greatest predictor of profitability for businesses is customer loyalty and the greatest predictor of customer loyalty is employee engagement. Thought leader and author of The Culture Cycle, James Heskett, demonstrates how an effective culture can account for up to half of the differential in performance between organizations in the same industry. Today the intangible…

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5 Key Tips for Recruiting and Hiring High-Demand Candidates

It’s no secret; it’s a candidate’s market. The more competition there is for a group of candidates, the more recruiting effort is required to attract and hire them. Here are the top 5 tips for recruiting candidates in high demand: 1. Know your product The first step in the recruiting process is getting to know…

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7 Key Statistics from the May Employment Report

Today, the Bureau of Labor and Statistics released the Employment Situation Summary for May 2014. Overall, the unemployment numbers have held at 6.3 percent, but there are increases in employment industry wide.  Here’s a quick summary: 1. Employment in temporary help services continued to trend up (+14,000) and has grown by 224,000 over the past year. This…

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Why Organizations & Staffing Agencies Must Partner to Make Contingent Workers Welcome

The necessity to utilize, understand and engage the contingent workforce is an issue that is becoming more and more pertinent to the success of staffing agencies and organizations. Temporary and contract labor makes up 26% of the American workforce (Aberdeen Group, 2012).  Furthermore, according to the U.S Department of Labor, the contingent workforce is among…

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Are You Setting Up New Engineering Hires for Failure?

In engineering professions industry wide, a well managed onboarding program can have a measurable impact on employee retention, productivity, employment brand, product/service quality and future hiring success. For these new and highly sought after engineers, a well designed onboarding program addresses the specific information that will help them understand the company and how they fit…

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5 Key Tips for Recruiting Engineers

It’s no secret that engineers are some of the most sought after professionals today, and the marketing to attract and retain their talent is incredibly important. In the words of Pete Soderling, software engineer and founder of Hakka Group, “Engineers are in massive, disproportionate and obscenely high demand. In other words, they’ve become the hottest girls…

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